Thursday, June 6, 2019

Complete Your Java Assignments Like A Pro: 5 Java Practices to Follow

When you talk about object-oriented programming language, the most common language that comes in mind is Java. Java has gained much popularity because this language provides an easy and efficient approach to perform various programming tasks. Standing with the good Java programs always matters.You will be called a programmer only when you write a program(it's not just writing code)really well. It means to write a code in a way that it can be used in multiple ways and still they are robust.

So let’s start learning the best Java practices which help you complete your assignments easily.
 Override toString() with ToStringBuilder

ToStringBulider is a utility class provided by apache common lang library. It provides control over how much and what data an object should expose using the toString method and in which format. It also helps in removing the size of the code by overriding the toString method in the child subclasses.

Example: public String toString()
return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this);

Use Array Instead of Vector.elementAt() Inside Any Loop

 Vector is another implementation of the list interface similar to an array but it is synchronized. Let’s have a look at an example of why to use array inside any loop.

                 public class VectorPerformance
                    public static void method1(Vector v)
                    int size = v.size();
                    for(int i=size; i>0; i--)
                           String str = v.elementAt(size-i);
     public static void method2(Vector v)
                    int size = v.size();
                    String[] vArr = new String[size];
                    for(int i=0; i<size ; i++)
                        String str = vArr[i];
                    public static void main(String[] args) {
                    Vector<String> vector = new Vector<String>();
                    for(int i=0;i<1000000;i++)

                    long startTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
                    long endTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
                    System.out.println("Using elementAt() :: " + (endTime - startTime)                 + " ms");
                    startTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
                    endTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
                    System.out.println("Using array :: " + (endTime - startTime) + "                 ms");

Output for this is:  Using elementAt() : 30 ms
                    Using array: 6 ms

Both of them are fast but using the array method is suggested by the Java assignment help experts.

Use length() Instead of equals() to Check Empty String in Java

In your programs, you must be coming across multiple situations where you have to check that the string is empty or not. Best way to check this is the length() method. This simply returns the count of characters. If the count is 0, it will return the string is empty.
The code to check the empty string:

public boolean isEmpty(String str)
return str.length()==0;

The reasons behind using length() are:
1.Length() is a better method to return the characters in an array.
2. It uses less CPU cycle.
3. Any string with length 0 will always be an empty string.

Performance Comparison of Different “for” Loops in Java

For loop is very common control flow statement in Java. Here various ways to use for loop in Java programming is listed:

1.Using list.size in condition:     private static List<Integer>                                            list= new ArrayList<>();
for(int j = 0; j < list.size() ; j++)
   //do stuff

2.Initialize the initial value of a counter to size of list:     

                private static List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
for(int j = list.size(); j > size ; j--)
//do stuff

Class Design Principles [S.O.L.I.D.] in Java

Class is the building block of Java application. If these blocks are not strong then it can create problems in the future. For this let’s see the 5 principles in java when writing the classes.
1.Single Responsibility Principle
2.Open Closed Principle
3.Liskov’s Principle
4.Interface Segregation Principle
5.Dependency Inversion Principle

Now that you know about the basic Java practices you should follow to complete the Java assignment, begin with the assignment writing task and impress your professor today.